Mnemonics for Cardiovascular System

Mnemonics for Cardiovascular System


To remember heart valve auscultation sites: 
Mnemonic: All Patients Take Medications 
Starting from top left: 
Aortic – 2nd intercostal space, right sternal edge 
Pulmonary – 2nd intercostal space, left sternal edge 
Tricuspid – 4th intercostal space, right sternal edge 
Mitral – 5th intercostal space, mid-clavicular line 

Management through lifestyle alterations 
Mnemonic: SLEW 
S         Smoking cessation 
L          Low-fat diet 
E         Exercise 
W        Weight loss 

Management of acute unstable angina 
Mnemonic: 2 As and BALI 
A         Admit, bed rest, high-flow oxygen 
A         Analgesia 
A         Aspirin and clopidogrel 

B         Beta blockers 
A         Angiography with or without angioplasty/CABG if symptoms fail to improve 
L          Low molecular weight heparin (LMWH)
I           Infusion of nitrates 

Mnemonic: SCAR 
S         Sudden central pain, ʻtearingʼ in nature, may radiate to the back 
C         Coronary artery occlusion can lead to chest pain, MI or angina
pectoris/Carotid obstruction can lead to hemiparesis, dysphasia or blackouts
A         Anterior spinal artery can be affected leading to paraplegia 
R         Renal artery can be affected leading to anuria or renal failure 

Cardiac arrest 
Management, Basic Life Support (BLS) 
Mnemonic: ABC 
A         Airway: clear and maintain with chin lift/jaw thrust/head tilt (if no spinal injury) 
B         Breathing: look, listen and feel, if not breathing give two life saving breaths 
C         Circulation: carotid pulse for at least 10 s, if absent give 15 chest
compressions at 100/min 

Continue the cycle of 2 breaths and 30 compressions and check the circulation every 
minute, proceed to more advanced life support when possible.                                            


Management, Advanced Life Support (ALS) 
Mnemonic: CDE (with A after every step) 
C         Cardiac monitor and defibrillator should be attached to the patient 
A         Assess rhythm and pulse 
D         Defibrillate x 3 if VF or pulseless VT, CPR for 1 min 
A         Assess rhythm and pulse 
E         EMD (no cardiac output despite ECG showing electrical activity) or asystole 
warrants CPR for 3 min 
A         Assess rhythm and pulse 

Mnemonic: ABCD 
A         ACE inhibitors/Angiotensin-II-antagonists (sometimes Alpha-agonists also) 
B         Beta blockers 
C         Calcium channel blockers 
D         Diuretics (Thiazides) 

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