Mnemonics for Neurology


Cranial bones 
Mnemonic: PEST OF 6 
P         Parietal 
E         Ethmoidal 
S         Sphenoid 
T         Temporal 

O         Occipital
F         Frontal 

6          This indicates the number of bones 

Branches of the facial nerve 
Mnemonic: To Zanzibar By Motorcar 
T         Temporal nerve 
Z         Zygomatic nerve 
B         Buccal nerve 
M         Marginal mandibular nerve 
C         Cervical nerve 

Clinical conditions 
Stroke – investigations 
Mnemonic: The 4 Ps 
P         Plasma: FBC, U&E, ESR, glucose, lipids 
P         Pump, i.e heart (ECG, echocardiogram) 
P         Pipes: carotid Doppler ultrasound 
P         Picture of brain: CT/MRI; detects ischaemia or haemorrhages 

Stroke – management 
Mnemonic: ABCDEFGHI 
A         Advice – lifestyle changes e.g. stop smoking, reduce alcohol intake, lose
B         BP control 
C         Cholesterol control 
D         Diabetes control 
E         Elastic stockings (prophylaxis for DVT, PE) 
F         Fibrillation (anticoagulate, rate control and cardiovert as required) 
G         Guardian drugs (aspirin, ACE inhibitors, etc) 
H         Help from occupational therapy (OT), speech and language therapy (SALT)
and specialist stroke nurse 
I           Incontinence care and limit Immobility (pressure sores and contractures may
develop otherwise) 

Aetiology - Bacterial 
Mnemonic: NHS 
N         Neisseria meningitides (children and adults; meningococcus) 
H         Haemophilus influenzae (children)                                            
S         Streptococcus pneumoniae (adults and elderly)/(Streptococcus produces the
Severest meningitis)/Viral 

Aetiology - Viral 
Mnemonic: V MECH 
V         VZV 

M         Mumps 
E         Enterovirus/EBV 
C         Coxsackie virus types A and B 
H         Haemophilus influenzae/HIV/HSV

Aetiology - Fungal 
Mnemonic: 2 Cʼs 
C         Cryptococcus (associated with HIV infection) 
C         Candida 

Mnemonic: EAT FUN 
E         Episodic 
A         Aura – zigzag lines 
T         Throbbing headache 
F         Family history/F(p)hoto-phobia 
U         Unilateral 
N         Nausea and vomiting 

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