Mnemonics for Dermatology
Functions of the skin
Mnemonic: SKIN
S Specialised sensory innervation/Synthesise Vitamin D/Secretes pheromones
for Sex
K Keeps out unwanted molecules, microbes or radiation/Keeps in water,
electrolytes and solutes
I Immunological function; contains antigen-presenting cells
N Normalises heat regulation
Common allergens for allergic contact dermatitis
Mnemonic: CONTACT
C Cutaneous type IV reaction
O Ointments and cosmetics containing lanolin
N Nickel
T Topical antibiotics can cause it (e.g. neomycin)
A Autosensitisation can occur (secondary spread elsewhere)
C Chromates (cement, leather)/Colophony (plasters, glues, inks)
T Topical antihistamines and topical anaesthetics (haemorrhoid creams) can
cause it
Clinical presentation of impetigo
Mnemonic: IMPETIGO
I Infection with Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pyogenes or both
M Mostly in young children
P Particularly around nose and surrounding parts of face
E Erythematous base with honey-coloured crusts
T Treat with Topical antibiotic such as fusidic acid for localized lesions
I Individuals are highly contagious from skin-to-skin contact; Improve hygiene;
do not share towels
G Gram stain and culture of swab diagnostic
O Oral flucloxacillin required for widespread impetigo
Squamous cell carcinoma
Clinical presentation
Mnemonic: S, CELL, C
S Sun-exposed areas are usually affected: ears, dorsum of the hands, bald
C Crusted, firm, irregular lesion
E Excision used as treatment
L Lower lip can be affected in smokers
L Less likely to metastasise
C Associated with Chronic inflammation such as venous leg ulcers
Functions of the skin
Mnemonic: SKIN
S Specialised sensory innervation/Synthesise Vitamin D/Secretes pheromones
for Sex
K Keeps out unwanted molecules, microbes or radiation/Keeps in water,
electrolytes and solutes
I Immunological function; contains antigen-presenting cells
N Normalises heat regulation
Common allergens for allergic contact dermatitis
Mnemonic: CONTACT
C Cutaneous type IV reaction
O Ointments and cosmetics containing lanolin
N Nickel
T Topical antibiotics can cause it (e.g. neomycin)
A Autosensitisation can occur (secondary spread elsewhere)
C Chromates (cement, leather)/Colophony (plasters, glues, inks)
T Topical antihistamines and topical anaesthetics (haemorrhoid creams) can
cause it
Clinical presentation of impetigo
Mnemonic: IMPETIGO
I Infection with Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pyogenes or both
M Mostly in young children
P Particularly around nose and surrounding parts of face
E Erythematous base with honey-coloured crusts
T Treat with Topical antibiotic such as fusidic acid for localized lesions
I Individuals are highly contagious from skin-to-skin contact; Improve hygiene;
do not share towels
G Gram stain and culture of swab diagnostic
O Oral flucloxacillin required for widespread impetigo
Squamous cell carcinoma
Clinical presentation
Mnemonic: S, CELL, C
S Sun-exposed areas are usually affected: ears, dorsum of the hands, bald
C Crusted, firm, irregular lesion
E Excision used as treatment
L Lower lip can be affected in smokers
L Less likely to metastasise
C Associated with Chronic inflammation such as venous leg ulcers
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