Mnemonics for Ophthalmology

Diseases and conditions 
Allergic eye disease 
Mnemonic: HFS 
H         Delayed Hypersensitivity
F         HayFever conjunctivitis 
S         Spring catarrh 

Clinical presentation of conjunctivitis 
Mnemonic: BURN 
B         Burning and lacrimation along with itching and possibly photophobia 
U         Usually bilateral, if unilateral consider another differential diagnosis 
R         Red and inflamed conjunctiva, eyelids may be stuck together with purulent
N         Normally self-limiting, can be treated with antibiotics 

Signs of optic neuropathy 
Mnemonic: PLAC 
P         Pale disc 
L          Loss of visual acuity/Loss of red colour vision 
A         Afferent pupillary defect 
C         Central scotoma 

Causes of retinal detachment 
Mnemonic: SITS 
S         Secondary to some intraocular problem (melanoma) 
I           Idiopathic 
T         Trauma 
S         Surgery for cataract 

The 4 Fs of retinal detachment 
Mnemonic: 4 Fʼs 
F         Floaters (small dark spots on a bright background are generally harmless) 
F         Flashes (migraine) 
F          Field loss (dark cloud covers a field of vision) 
F         Falling acuity (serious) 

Causes of excess lacrimation 
Mnemonic: FACE 
F         Foreign body or corneal abrasions 
A         Acute glaucoma 
C         Conjunctivitis 
E         Emotion (typical man, I list this last!) 

1 মন্তব্য(গুলি):

  1. Thank you very much for sharing this. This will really be useful in my aim to be a retinal specialist. Although I'm familiar with Mnemonics, I'm not that good at following them. What I mean, for example, is I never would have thought of putting together "F.A.C.E" as a Mnemonic for Excess lacrimation causes.
