Mnemonics for Psychiatry

Mnemonics of Psychiatry

Symptoms and signs in psychiatric disorders 
Causes of delirium 
Mnemonic: DELIRIUM 
D         Degenerative 
E         Epilepsy (post-ictal states) 
L          Liver failure 
I           Intracranial (injury to the head, subarachnoid haemorrhage, TIA, meningitis,
cerebral abscess) 
R         Rheumatic chorea 
I           Infections – pneumonia, septicaemia 
U         Uraemia 
M         Metabolic – electrolyte imbalance 

Disorders due to psychoactive substances 
Mnemonic: CAGE questionnaire 
C         Have you ever felt you should Cut down on your drinking? 
A         Have people Annoyed you by commenting on your drinking? 
G         Have you ever felt Guilty about your drinking? 
E         Have you ever needed a drink first thing in the morning to get rid of a
hangover or for nerves (Eye opener)? 

>1 ‘yes’ answer makes alcoholism likely 

Schizophrenia and delusional disorders 
Positive symptoms (sometimes called type I schizophrenic symptoms) 
Mnemonic: THREAD 
T         Thinking may become disturbed, neologism usage 
H         Hallucinations may occur, usually auditory 
R         Reduced contact with reality, the natural barrier between subjective and
objective deteriorates 
E         Emotional control may be disturbed with inappropriate laughter or anger
(incongruous affect) 
A         Arousal may lead to worsening of symptoms 
D         Delusions may occur 

Negative symptoms (sometimes called type II schizophrenic symptoms) 
Mnemonic: LESS 
L          Loss of volition, underactivity and social withdrawal 
E         Emotional flatness, lose normal modulation of mood 
S         Speech is reduced, monosyllabic if at all 
S         Slowness in thought and movement, psychomotor retardation may occur 

Mood (affective) disorders 
Symptoms of depression 
Mnemonic: SLUMP 
S         Suicidal ideation or plans 
L          Lack of: interest, enjoyment (anhedonia), energy, appetite or libido
U         Unworthiness 
M         Early Morning waking 
P         Poor concentration/Psychomotor retardation or agitation
Suicide – risk factors 
Mnemonic: SAD PERSONS 
S         Sex (male) 
A         Age (older) 
D         Depression 

P         Previous attempt 
E         Excessive alcohol or substance abuse 
R         Rational thinking, loss of 
S         Sickness (chronic illness) 
O         Organised plan 
N         No social supports 
S         Stated intention to self-harm 

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