Mnemonics to remember Full Medical History
Mnemonics for Full Medical History
When taking a history:
Mnemonic: OPERATESO Onset of complaint
P Progress of complaint
E Exacerbating factors
R Relieving factors
A Associated symptoms
T Timing
E Episodes of being symptom-free
S Relevant Systemic and general inquiry can be added here
Mnemonic: PILLSP Pills, is the patient taking any?
I Injections/Insulin/Inhalers (as some patients forget to mention when asked
about their medications)
LL ILLicit drug use
S Sensitivities to anything, ie allergies
In every history, donʼt forget to ask about the ʻFAWRʼ non-specific symptoms that the
patient may exhibit
Mnemonic: FAWR
F Fever
A Appetite
W Weight loss (unintentional)
R Reduced energy (i.e. fatigue/lethargy)
When assessing psychological state:
Mnemonic: SAD CASE
S Suicidal ideations
A Anxiety
D Decreased mood/Delusions/Disordered thought
C Difficulty Concentrating
A Auditory or other hallucinations?
S Difficulties Sleeping
E Eating normally?
Information organization
When asked to discuss a particular disease, the following surgical sieve is widelyregarded as the best way to proceed:
Mnemonic: Dressed In a Surgeons Gown A Physician Might Make Progress
D Definition
I Incidence
S Sex
G Geography
A Aetiology
P Pathogenesis
M Macroscopic pathology
M Microscopic pathology
P Prognosis
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